BFW is recruiting participants in the Community Development Program 2021

  •  February 15, 2021

For the second time, the Bulgarian Fund for Women organizes a Community Development Program. The Program aims to support community leaders and active people in their efforts to unite and mobilize their communities, to promote initiatives related to the unification of citizens for a better social environment, to give the opportunity for an exchange between different communities and to promote the inclusion of women in the process of community development. The main goal of the program is to support the informal involvement and association of citizens in solving social problems left out of state support, as well as to promote community philanthropy.

The BFW program consists of two parts – theoretical and practical, in the first stage participants will undergo training aimed at developing skills for building, organizing and mobilizing communities, and in the second stage they will have the opportunity to apply for financial support from BFW in the amount of up to BGN 1,500, used for the activation of a community and the implementation of an initiative improving the lives of everyone in the community.

For the purposes of its program, BFW will consider communities as geographical, professional, by interest or on a specific basis (for example, local communities, parents, students, people with disabilities, etc.), and it will not matter whether the participants represent “small” or “large” groups.

To launch the Program, BFW announces a contest for participation in a three-day seminar dedicated to community building and organization, which will be held in the second half of April 2021 (the exact dates will be further confirmed with the approved participants and tailored to the situation around Covid-19). During the event, we will discuss issues such as: how to unite around socially significant causes, how to turn civic energy into concrete actions, how to promote successfully our ideas among like-minded people, how and where to look for partners and common ground, why communities and community donations are important. Participants in the seminar and the ones who received scholarships from BFW will be able to promote their ideas and communities on the air of the Bulgarian National Radio, the media partner of the project.

Who can apply to take part in the seminar?

The seminar and the program are open for everyone over 16 years old, who feel part of a certain community (no formal affiliation to a civic organization and previous experience is required), meaning part of a larger group that transcends the boundaries of the family and that unites people by place, time, interest, or other attribute. The community has shared values and its members are united, and there is a strong sense of group responsibility.

Priority will be given to candidates with initiatives that prioritize activities to support and empower women.

BFW encourages all those who have a specific idea related to the development and support of the community, to which they belong, to apply.

What will the participation in the program bring you?

  • Practical and theoretical knowledge on how to effectively create, develop, mobilize and maintain communities;
  • Meeting with other community leaders and an opportunity to exchange ideas and create new partnerships;
  • Participation in an internal contest for funding in the amount of up to BGN 1,500 for the implementation of a project in which to apply the topics and knowledge from the seminar;
  • Opportunity for media promotion in the National Radio of the community and your project.

How to apply?

Please complete the following form (in Bulgarian) by 11:59 pm on March 14, 2021.

Please note the following when applying:

There is no option to save the information in the online form. For your convenience, you can copy the questions to a separate text file and enter the answers in the online form later.

After the mentioned above deadline, the form will close automatically.

Important deadlines:

  • The competition is open for applications from February 8 to March 14, 2021;
  • Until March 31, 2021 – announcement of the approved participants;
  • Beginning of April – contact will be made with the approved participants and they will receive information about the seminar;
  • The seminar will be held in the second half of April 2021 and is planned with a physical presence if the pandemic situation allows it. Combined and / or online activities are possible. Please note that the attendance is mandatory throughout the seminar.


All costs for providing the seminar such as: transport, accommodation, food, lecturers, materials, etc. are covered by BFW and amount to up to BGN 1,000 per participant.

For questions and/ or any further information, please feel free to contact us at

The project is implemented with the financial support of the Global Fund for Community Foundations.

The team of the Bulgarian Fund for Women wishes you success!

BFW is a controller of personal data and processes such data in accordance with the legislation on personal data protection and Regulation (EU) 2016/679. All applications received will be treated in the strictest confidence.

BFW reserves the right to change the terms and conditions for the implementation of the Community Development Program in the event of unforeseen circumstances related to COVID-19.

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