Information about the administrator
Bulgarian Fund for Women Foundation UIK: 131308239, with registered office and address of management: Sofia 1000, Solunska 26 Str., floor 2, internet website:, phone: +359 2 426 92 02; +359 885 444 103, email: is an administrator of personal data and processes it in a lawful, conscientious and transparent manner.
Data Protection Officer is Rada Elenkova, Bulgarian Fund for Women Foundation, Sofia 1000, Solunska 26 Str., floor 2, e-mail:
General Information – about the Bulgarian Fund for Women
The Bulgarian Fund for Women Foundation (also referred to as the “Fund” or the “Foundation”) is an independent organization working to increase the resources needed for the emergence and sustainable development of NGOs working on women’s rights in Bulgaria, to achieve a real equality of Bulgarian women in all spheres of public life and to eliminate any form of discrimination.
The Foundation provides advice, conducts research and analysis related to the goals of the Fund; produces, publishes and distributes material to assist in the achievement of the Fund’s goals; organizes paid trainings, seminars and other forms of supporting activities assiting the achievement of the Fund’s goals; establishes and participates in commercial companies under the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act and the conduct of business is subject to the conditions and procedure laid down by the laws governing the respective type of economic activity; performs other economic activities that could be identified as being related to the Fund’s main goals and facilitating their achievement.
The Bulgarian Fund for Women Foundation aims to support NGOs representing different groups of women and girls who work to raise public awareness of gender issues and monitor institutions in implementing statutory and gender equality policies; assists in building the NGOs capacity and improve the quality of their work; to increase their level of knowledge and skills to mobilize resources at local level and contribute to their sustainable development; to support the development of donation as an instrument for social change and increasing social justice; to help create a community of donors who invest in equality and human rights; to contribute to the development of civil society in Bulgaria as a prerequisite for the irreversibility of the democratic process.
In collecting and processing your personal data, the Foundation is subject to a number of laws and regulations that govern how such actions are to be performed, for what purposes and what safeguards will be in place to protect personal data. Relevant regulations include, but are not limited to, the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (Regulation (EC) 679/2016), the Personal Data Protection Act, the secondary legislation issued based on them, etc.
This Privacy Notice aims to provide information in a transparent manner about your personal data that the Bulgarian Fund for Women collects and processes.
You can make inquiries and seek answers regarding the protection of your personal data and the exercise of your rights related to them by contacting our Data Protection Officer by e-mail:
1. Why do we collect your personal information:
We collect your personal data:
– in order to be able to carry out the activities and objectives of our foundation, some of which are related to raising funds and building a community of donors, awarding grants and scholarships, etc .;
– in connection with our legal obligations and in the course of our legitimate activities as a foundation, including in orderto keep in touch with you in connection with the Foundation’s goals;
– on the basis of contractual relations between us;.
– in connection with your participation in our (organized by us) events, trainings, programs, projects, campaigns and other initiatives;
– in order to protect our and / or your legitimate interests, about which we will notify you in advance.
Except for the cases where we collect your personal data on the basis of a law, contract, or to protect our and / or your legitimate interests, we will request your explicit consent for the particular purpose.
We will also only post on our website or any other place on the Internet (or otherwise disclose) your sensitive personal data or materials containing such personal data after your explicit and specific consent.
If at a later change you change your mind you may withdraw your consent.
2. What data do we collect?
Generally, in order to achieve our legitimate purposes, we collect and process the following categories of personal data:
– the names of the individual (including the names of the physical person, representing a legal person by law, mandate or as a contact person), position in the respective company / institution, location, e-mail, telephone;
– history of donation – for our donors;
– letters / emails and other correspondence with us;
– in very limited hypotheses and in accordance with the provisions of the laws in force, our Statutes and in the course of our legitimate activities as a foundation – sensitive data such as: data on racial, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, philosophical beliefs, etc.;
– video and photo images of visitors to our events; at these events we could also gather data about the attendees via audio recordings of the events themselves;
– our site // collects cookies – cookies are information stored in your browser. They are used to save the settings and identifiers required for some of the services provided on our site. Cookies contain information that helps us improve the functionality of the site. If you do not want us to do this, you can set up your browser by restricting cookies. You should keep in mind that the site may not function normally and reliably without some of them.
Third-party cookies – Facebook, Twitter, Youtube can apply content sharing cookies on social networks or to produce statistics about access. The presence, number and status of such cookies may depend on your use of these platforms before or during your visit to the Foundation’s website. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the social networks on their respective sites‘ policy of managing these cookies.
3. How do we collect your personal information
Generally, we collect the data:
directly from you – through forms, statements you fill out, emails you send us, telephone conversations with you;
through our website, incl. when you are completing and sending a message via the contact form of our website;
through our social media and and through our content sharing channels on the internet;
sometimes we also collect your data from public sources, subject to the rules for collecting personal data of these respective sources.
Data from public sources / registers are limited to:
– data to contact you
– publicly available information about the persons representing your organization.
When we contact you, we will tell you where we have your personal information from, in case we have not collected it personally from you.
Обръщаме внимание, че голяма част от нашите събития са публични, като на повечето от тях се извършва видео-, фото- и аудиозаснемане. Това е необходимо поради характера на нашата дейност и в изпълнение на нашата мисия, идеали, цели и добри идеи, които искаме да станат достъпни и да бъдат възприети и подкрепени от все по-широк кръг хора. Извършените записи се използват само с тази цел, като по-голямата част от записите и материалите, на които можете да присъствате, са с акцент върху идеалната ни цел, а не върху отделната личност.
We would like to point out that most of our events are public, and at most of them there is video, photo and audio recording. This is necessary because of the nature of our activity and for the fulfillment of our mission, ideals, goals and good ideas that we want to become accessible, accepted and supported by an increasing number of people. The recordings are used only for this purpose, with most of the records and materials (where your image or voice might appear) being focused on our ideal goal, not on the individual.
In spite of all the above-mentioned, if you feel that these actions would violate your privacy in a manner uncomfortable for you, please do not attend these events. You can express the support for our cause and idea in another way that you find fitting.
In the most part we collect personal data from you which allows us to identify and establish a contact with you, including in relation with the Foundation’s goals.
We also use your personal information in order to:
create and develop successful relationships and partnerships;
provide you with advice, help, or other service that you need;
implement the functions auxiliary to our activity – accounting services, protection of our legitimate interests, etc.
We may send you information about our activities, projects, initiatives and services that you could be interested in, as this information may be part of our newsletter that you have agreed to receive or that we are sending you for another legal reason. If you do not wish to receive our newsletter in the future, you can opt-out by emailing, as noted at the end of each bulletin, or by sending a request to the Data Protection Officer G. Kutseva, e-mail:
Your personal data is also necessary for the purposes of our legal interests as a funding organization providing grants, supporting and supporting different NGOs.
To stay true to our overall mission and supporting strategies, we must promote and evaluate the results of each project.
In this regard, we prefer to disclose the results of specific projects by announcing and identifying those who have won a project or supported an idea. We try, where possible, not to use personal data, but rather the names of institutions, but this is not always possible. In some cases, we need to publish a certain amount of personal data (which complies with the requirement to minimize data), and that’s mostly your two names. In order to take utmost care of your personal data, we provide the opportunity, if you do not wish to have your names published, to announce only your first name or not to have any information about you in the public domain. In order to protect other third parties (for example, other actors) and respect their rights, and to prove that our decisions are taken fairly, we grant separate access only to those who wish to exercise such access.
Also, in order to prevent potential misuse of funds, our activity is subject to internal and external auditing. This is one of the cases in which third parties may have access to your personal data. Other cases are if, for example, we use a courier to deliver a particular shipment to your address, or when we would be required by law to provide certain information to the public authorities, who are entitled to require it.
These third parties – where the law gives us the right and choice – are carefully selected, including each of our co-organizers or subcontractors who assist us in fulfilling our mission.
We do not share data beyond what is necessary and beyond what you have allowed us to do.
We take care of your data by demanding and expecting the same from our partners, whether they only process it or are data administrators themselves.
The following section also lists the basic social networks and platforms we use.
A) Our foundation uses the services of platforms and companies that provide us with services in connection with our website, sending a newsletter, etc. and which may have access to your (part of your) data that we collect.
Each such service provider has its own Policy / Privacy Policy, a link to which is listed below:
While we have carefully checked the policies of our service providers and believe that they provide adequate protection of your rights, we would like to inform you in advance that these rules are not under our control and may change at any time:
– Mailchimp (we use their services for the purpose of submitting a Bulletin): //
–Google Analytics (we use their site attendance analytics services //
B) Our foundation uses the following social media and content sharing channels on the Internet to meet its goals and to reach a wider audience of people sharing our views and beliefs:
– Facebook – our Facebook page is administered by Facebook (but managed by Foundation members) and is available to Facebook users who have already have read and agreed to the Facebook Privacy Policy: // When you use your Facebook account to join a Facebook group set up by our Foundation in connection with its activities, goals, programs and initiatives, we process your personal data that you have made available on your account through the appropriate settings on the social page. We use this data to identify you in order to approve your request to join the group, and possibly contact you.
– Instagram – Our Instagram account is administered by Instagram in accordance with its Privacy Policy: //[0]=368390626577968&bc[1]=285881641526716
– LinkedIn – Our LinkedIn account is being administered by LinkedIn in accordance with its Privacy Policy: //
– Twitter – Our Twitter account is administered by Twitter in accordance with its Privacy Policy: //
– YouTube – Through our YouTube channel, we can share video of past events. Here’s how to check out the YouTube Privacy Policy: //
The Foundation does not require and does not collect personal data “from” and “about” children. Children under the age of 14 should not use our site and send us personal information – we can process their data only if we have obtained consent from the child’s parents or guardians.
We store your data by applying appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect it.
We store the data for strictly limited terms, which allows us to protect both your interests and our interests. For partners and organizations with whom we work together on a project, program, event or for organizations we support, we store the data for the term needed for our, your protection, and for the protection of those who have entrusted us.
In cases where specific time limits are provided, we store your personal data for the time limits specified in the applicable laws, depending on the purpose for which it was collected.
In the absence of such a legal term, we retain your personal data for a reasonable period of time determined on the basis of additional criteria. The criteria are in line with the Foundation’s objectives and goals, aiming to ensure the normal development of our relationships and the storage of your personal data requiring minimal action on your part in re-provisioning the data.
When the personal data we collect is no longer necessary for the purposes mentioned, we delete or destroy it in another appropriate manner.
– Access to your personal information
– Right to correction
Beyond the above-mentioned rights, you have the right to request:
– to have your personal information deleted;
– limiting the processing of your personal information for a certain period of time;
– not to have your data processed alltogether ;
– portability of data
The listed rights depend on the particular reason why we process your personal data.
We strive to always satisfy your requests when these requests are admissible and reasonable, and to provide you with a response within the statutory timeframe.
In some cases, we are legally obliged to store your personal data. In such cases, it will not be possible to delete your personal data from our systems at your request.
You also have the right to file a complaint with the Bulgarian Commission for Personal Data Protection.
This Privacy Notice is regularly reviewed and updated by us in order to be as clear, accurate, and transparent as possible and to accommodate new developments (if necessary).
Date of last update – 07.01.2020