During the past more than 10 years, BFW has developed considerable knowledge and capacity on women’s issues providing financial and methodological support for local projects and initiatives. The main principle that BFW has always followed in its work is the profound and thorough evaluation of women’s NGOs needs. Through this systematic and evaluative approach concrete local issues were defined and solved.

Grantmaking and Support

Bulgarian Fund for Women supports financially NGO’s projects on the following topics: violence against women in all of its forms; economic independence of women – overcoming poverty and unemployment; encouraging women for active participation in the social and political life of the country; achieve equal opportunities for groups of disadvantaged women; protecting the rights of women with different sexual orientation, etc.


Bulgarian Fund for Women raises funds from local and foreign donors through various initiatives. Thus, we support the development of a donation culture and a new vision of philanthropy as a tool for social change. Raised funds are invested directly in the activities of small NGOs across the country. We contribute to the development of a civil society in Bulgaria as a prerequisite for the irreversibility of the democratic process.

Grants, Programs, Initiatives

Bulgarian Fund for Women is working for the development of the women’s movement and individual philanthropy in Bulgaria. Our thematic priorities are the following: political and economic empowerment of women and girls; eliminating violence against women; working with children and young people to overcome gender stereotypes; empowering groups of women who suffer from multiple discrimination.

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