Analysis: Possible Solutions for Achieving Gender Equality in Bulgaria
To encourage achieving gender equality and empowering girls and women is not only a matter of legislation and of specific policies on local and national level but of a holistic approach that encompasses all areas of life, all stakeholders, all levels of the state administration and which included measures such as raising awareness and prevention, formal school education and training of specialists, targeted and long-term support of the non-governmental sector, etc.
Overcoming the barriers hindering the full development of women and girls in Bulgaria, solving the specific problems mentioned in this analysis and achieving real gender equality will not only bring concrete political, economic and social benefits for the Bulgarian state but will also lead to positive changes at the level of personality, family, community, society.
A positive dialogue between non-governmental organizations, local authorities, institutions, business and all stakeholders on gender equality would ensure the successful and effective development and implementation of policies and concrete measures to empower women and girls, as well as the smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Bulgaria. In this process, it is extremely important to include vulnerable groups of women and girls, listening to their voice and understanding their gender-specific problems and needs.
Even though there is legislation in Bulgaria aimed at achieving and guaranteeing gender equality (Law on Protection against Discrimination, Law on Protection against Domestic Violence, Gender Equality Act, etc.), as well as various strategic and operational documents (National Strategy for Promoting the Equality of Women and Men, National Program for Prevention and Protection against Domestic Violence, National Program for Prevention and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, etc.), we need to remember that a lot more effort is required, and at all levels, in order to achieve real equality between women and men. This analysis, without claiming exhaustiveness, is part of these efforts. It points out the specific problems of women and girls in Bulgaria and suggests possible solutions, identified by experts, for overcoming them.
The analysis is carried out within the project “Women’s Rights – Possible Solutions for Gender Equality in Bulgaria” supported by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Office Bulgaria. Download the analysis from HERE.
Photo: IAOM